Sunday, April 11, 2010

allusions, anyone?

So, why create a blog? Especially when I have another one that I haven't updated in forever? Well, that one was supposed to inspire me to do - and record - my daily devotions. It didn't work. So, I've decided that I want my other blog to be more about public health issues that interest me, or anything exciting going on in my life that's not related to spiritual or philosophical issues. (Which means I probably won't start blogging on that one again until I perhaps go to grad school, but we'll see). As for this blog, I wanted another place where I could put down thoughts more related to spiritual issues - probably more struggles than triumphs, at this point.

Did anyone catch the musical allusions in my blog? (Hint: there are three). If not: the title comes from the song "Take Me to Your Leader" by Newsboys, the sub-title comes from "Like a Child" by Jars of Clay, and the site name comes from "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot. All wonderful songs. Check them out! And maybe, check out this blog once in a while, if you're not busy, or you're bored, or something. I'll try to update it more often than I did my last one. Well, sink or swim, I'm diving in!

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